Saturday, February 03, 2007

the viscosity of running glass citizens

Once you’re a registered user, your goal will be to make friends. Get out there and make as many as you can. Of course, this may sound a bit weird as they’re not really friends but remember this is only business! $

...a growing pool of legally held data by banks, inland revenue, credit card company, health services, etc. There are secret data collections held by police, intelligence services, customs; there are the images recorded by CCTV systems which are linked to face recognition systems; to a growing degree surveillance is becoming automatized, that means not carried out by people but by automated information systems. %

a twenty-five foot long deep fat fryer vat aparantly spontaneously ignited at around 8:30 AM.[3] A state of the art automatic carbon dioxide fire extinguisher designed to cope with such fires had been installed after a non-fatal fire in 1983 at the fire department's request; investigators are unsure whether it was activated or not.[1][6] There were ninety employees in the facility at the time. There were no sprinklers in the building,[2] so the fire spread rapidly, causing trauma-related injuries to some of the survivors as they rushed to escape.[3] Large quantities of thick, acrid smoke were produced by a combination of burning soybean oil and chicken, and melting roof insul # via &


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