Friday, November 28, 2008

control possibilities

One shopper, Kimberly Cribbs, said she was standing near the back of the crowd at around 5 a.m. on Friday when people started pulling the doors from their hinges and rushing into the store. She said several people were knocked to the ground, and parents had to grab their children by the hands to keep them from being caught in the crush.“They were falling all over each other,” she said. “It was terrible.” Jack H.

"The control possibilities are virtually endless."

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Blogger Mike Golby said...

Tom, I must tell you ... as a foreigner, this Black Friday thing has to be the weirdest goddamn phenomenon I've come across. It's way too fantastic to be fictive. To see a large nation devoting a day to worshiping Mammon is just far too much for even my cynical psyche to compute. It beggars belief and, while I accept and understand it, I'm still trying to comprehend it some four or five days later.

(It greatly pleases me to see you spent the day at home, blogging. Good man.)

12/03/2008 12:28 PM  
Blogger Tom Matrullo said...

A day? Mike, this is a consumerism at its finest. Christmas upmanship mixed with the Masque of the Red Ink Death, with a spritz of communal sociopathy. It's not to be comprehended, just noted at a safe distance and, like a puddle of piss, circumvented.

12/04/2008 12:12 AM  

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